How to Laser Cut and Etch Leather – Step-by-Step Guide & Best Practices

Using laser CNC technology to produce leather goods can be a great option to paying out for expensive die tooling required for pressing out patterns. Leather, (and faux leathers), laser cuts really well with a high degree of accuracy and a quick production time.

Laser etching leather is equally satisfying, achieving a sought after ‘branding’ effect on the material. Engraving leather with the laser allows use to render company logos, patterns, or personalised text on a range of leathers and leatherettes.

This method of producing leather items is especially popular for small batch designers, bespoke lifestyle services, fashion start up’s, prototyping and personalised goods. Of course, laser cutting leather will probably never match to speed of producing leather cut sections by pressing shapes out of the material, but again, unless your producing large quantities for an established customer base, it may not be worth while risking the cost of the tooling set up.

Laser etching leather is an alternative to embossing leather, but again, even though is this case the finished results differ, tooling is required for embossing.

If you are a fashion designer, start up business, personalised goods supplier, retail business or blogger, and have a project in mind, we would love to hear from you.

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